About Me.
At age 17, I attended a Wynton Marsalis concert - this was my first introduction to jazz and I’ll never forget the experience…
I remember the piano player in particular - an African-American musician in his twenties, wearing a baggy flannel shirt, blue jeans and workman boots...
He had a pencil behind his ear which he used to scribble notes above his sheet music, while he tried out different chord voicings at the piano...
The chords he was playing sounded instantly fascinating to me - like nothing I’d ever heard before - and I remained mesmerized by the music throughout the whole concert.
The Next Day...
I was so inspired by the experience that I set a goal for myself - to learn jazz piano - and the next day I began searching for information:
I purchased books online - but when the books arrived in the mail, they always seemed to be basic, and not the real thing...
I searched the internet for advice - but the information was disorganized and scattered across dozens of websites...
I Almost Gave Up.
After months of struggling on my own and almost giving up - I finally discovered a jazz piano teacher...
I made the one-hour trek to his house, and within 5 minutes of sitting down at the piano I knew that this was exactly what I needed....
This was someone who could teach me jazz piano step by step, and fill in the gaps to my knowledge.
I met with my teacher regularly - and within a year or two I realized that I understood jazz theory...
All of my questions were answered, and I was all set to enjoy exploring jazz piano for life.

15 Years Later...
It’s now been 15 years since the first Wynton Marsalis concert that sparked my passion for jazz...
I went on to study music at college, and gained my masters degree in music composition...
But most importantly, I acheived my jazz piano goal - and now I want to help you learn jazz piano too...
Get to know Julian
I moved to the U.S. 10 years ago after doing a study abroad year at UC Santa Cruz...
I now live in southern-California with my wife and three children...
This was us finding out the gender of our third child:
Meet the audience!
I posted my first 'Jazz Tutorial' YouTube video in 2010...
Since then the channel has grown and now there are students watching all over the world:
Start Learning Jazz:
The best place I recommend for you start learning is my popular video 'Jazz Piano Explained in 20 Minutes' (over 2 million views!)
Download the Chord Symbol Guide
Thank you for being here! My goal is to provide you with a world-class music education so that you can master jazz piano.
I hope the lessons on this website will inspire you and give you great enjoyment at the piano.
Your friend,