The ‘So What’ Voicing by Bill Evans
The Miles Davis tune, ‘So What’, features two distinctive minor 7 chords played by Bill Evans:
Bill Evans uses the same chord voicing for both chords (since they're both a minor 7 chord), and he 'side-slips' (transposes) the voicing down a whole-step from E minor 7 to D minor 7.
In the jazz piano world, this voicing is known as 'the So What voicing’. Here’s how it looks built from C:
C minor 7 = C F Bb Eb G.
You can think of this voicing as a stack of 4ths built from the root going up to its 3rd (C - F - Bb - Eb), then add the chord's 5th on top (G).
This voicing is a good choice when you see a minor 7 chord in the chord sheet, and the melody note is the chord’s 5th.
FREE RESOURCE: For more jazz piano chord voicings, you can download my free ‘Jazz Piano Chord Voicing Guide' which shows you 5 types of chord voicing used by professionals (shells, 4th voicings, rootless voicings, and more): Click here to download
'So What' & the Dorian Scale
‘So What’ is written in the dorian scale (the song is in D dorian, which is D E F G A B C).
But first, let's take a look at C dorian scale (commonly played over C minor 7 chords):
C dorian scale = C D Eb F G A Bb
You can think of the dorian scale as a minor scale with a major 6th.
When playing in the dorian scale, you’re able to play two minor 7 chords next to each other, built from the scale's root and 2nd (C min 7 and D min 7) - this is only possible because the dorian scale has a major 6th (A), whereas it would not be possible in the natural minor scale which has a minor 6th (Ab).
This is exactly what Bill Evans plays - the ii chord resolving to the i chord (both minor 7 chords), except 'So What' is in D dorian which means he plays E min 7 - D min 7:
Notice also that the bass line plays notes from D dorian scale too: D A B C D E C D A.
Homework Challenge
First, play the ‘So What’ voicing from all twelve notes (C min 7 - C# min 7 - D min 7 - Eb min 7 - E min 7 - F min 7, etc). Challenge yourself to play all twelve chords note-perfectly in a row - if you make a mistake, you have to go back and start from zero!
Next, play through the songs in your real book and look for opportunities to use the ‘So What’ voicing (1 4 / 7 3 5 for minor 7 chords only). Look out for minor 7 chords which have the 5th in the melody.
RECOMMENDED SONGS: So What, Blue Bossa, Dolphin Dance, Summertime. Get my Real Books Guide (free).
Free Sheet Music
Can I send you 39 pages of Jazz Piano sheet music?
Includes '29 Jazz Licks' (sheet music)
'The Chord Voicing Guide' (ebook)
'Sweet Chord Progressions and Riffs' (sheet music)
About the Author
Julian Bradley is a Jazz pianist and music educator from the U.K. He has a masters degree in music composition and loves helping musicians learn Jazz piano and reach their music goals. YouTube channel.