Rejoin with 50% off
Restart your Jazz Tutorial Membership with 50% off Today...
As a past-Jazz Tutorial Member, you can reactivate your Membership today with 50% off the yearly plan...
Get access to the complete Jazz Tutorial course library for the next 12 months (including all new courses) and finish your jazz piano education...
Benefits of joining today
Huge 50% discount fixed rate. Cancel anytime.
Watch New Courses: 'Arranging Jazz Standards', 'Improvisation Step by Step Continued', 'The Complete Jazz Scales Method', and more.
New Member Downloads: the Jazz Scales cheat sheet (all scales on one PDF), J.B. ballad arrangements fully notated (print these).
Lesson Notes: Download all lessson notes + practice challenges.
Take part in current homework assignments: Practice voicing the next lesson's jazz song before I post my walk-through video.
50% off Yearly Membership
The Jazz Tutorial Membership is normally $420 a year...
As a returning Member, you can re-join for just $220 a year - through this page only...
Keep your discounted membership for as long as you need. Your discount is FIXED and will not increase. Cancel your membership anytime.
This is a one-time offer - this week only (ends Friday).

Money Back Guarantee
Watch my new jazz piano courses and try them for yourself...
If for any reason your discounted membership isn't right for you, I will fully refund your purchase.

So Let's Recap
Here's everything you get when you re-join the Jazz Tutorial Membership today:
50% off Membership price (fixed rate - will never increase).
Access to All Jazz Courses.
Member-Only Downloads.
Money-Back Guarantee.
Cancel Anytime.
What To Do Next
Click the button below to reactivate your membership with 50% off...
No discount code needed - just join through the button below.
Please use the same email address you used before (the one I emailed you at):
Member Testimonials
Here's what members are saying about the Jazz Tutorial courses...

Your New Courses
The Jazz Tutorial course library has specialty courses on chord voicings, improvisation, arranging, and essential theory:

The Arranging Jazz Standards Formula - how to turn lead sheets into finished jazz piano arrangements (works every time).
Improvisation Step-by-Step Continued - a series of improvisation techniques with daily practice routines, taught one step at a time.
The Complete Jazz Scales Method - every scale you need to know to play jazz piano, and how to play jazz scales over any song.
Chord Voicing Intensive - learn the exact chord voicings I use, and how to voice any jazz song using my 'melody-matching' method.
Jazz Piano Styles - decorate every song in your repertoire with this collection of new textures. Includes left hand patterns, stride textures, 'glitzy solos', song intros and endings.
Message from Julian
My number one goal is for YOU to succeed at jazz piano...
As a member you'll get to immerse yourself in the world of jazz piano through my courses.
I explain everything I do in a concise and calm manner, easy to understand and pain-free.

I can't wait for you to go through this new training!
Your friend,

So Let's Recap
Here's everything you get when you re-join the Jazz Tutorial Membership today:
50% off Membership price (fixed rate - will never increase).
Access to All Jazz Piano Courses.
Member-Only Downloads.
Money-Back Guarantee.
Cancel Anytime.
What To Do Next
Click the button below to reactivate your membership with 50% off...
No discount code needed. Just join through the button below.
Please use the same email address you used before (the one I emailed you at):
Need assistance or to ask me a question? Send me an email
Or call Jazz Tutorial at 1-661-489-1112